Your best choice to travel the Baltics – years of experience, local knowledge and full commitment.
Our Name
“Pan-” is a prefix from the Greek πᾶν, pan, meaning “all”, “of everything”, or “involving all members” of a group. You may remember names such as PanAm or the Pan Club. “Baltica” refers to the three Baltic countries as a geographical focus.

When in 2004 we were looking for a name, each of the founders had already spent years in inbound business, enough time to realize that what the Scandinavian traveler requests is not a single country over here, but the whole region as such. One request may cover more than one country at a time, and certainly the client may be expected to revert another time with the expectation to be served just as well in another corner of the region. As a DMC in this region, you must be able to meet such requirements.
Our Market Focus
From the first outset our focus has been travel groups from the Nordic countries. If you want to be good at something, you have to focus.
From previous occupations in travel industry we were used to work with Scandinavians and Finns, and from start we knew that this was our niche. We would serve our clients in their own language, and with outset in their own background. This requires language skills and knowledge of the cultures of your clients. Hence, all these years we have hired only such staff who commanded one or more of the Nordic languages, and who had a good knowledge of the people and mindset of these countries.
Our Competences
Business experience (inbound travel / destination management in the Baltics) since 1994, 1996 and 1999, as far as the founders concern, employment since 2007 and 2008 with regard to the longest serving staff – that already counts for something! Through our staff located in each of the three countries we have a hands-on knowledge on what is going on in all parts of the region, where you get best value for the money and how you guarantee a high service standard to your clients.
Our Commitment
Business is personal, and you can only expect good service from people who are committed to the work they have. Here with Panbaltica we all have that commitment for personal reasons, and this is why you should choose us when looking for assistance organizing a tour to the Baltics.